Big news: Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College 2011 class in area award

°lÑ•rég£º2011-11-14 09:54:04

  Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College students enrolled in 2011 results gratifying! Only in Sichuan Province, for example, 40 points higher than the control line above the provincial candidates accounted for 90% of the liberal arts, science 82%; more than 100 candidates, liberal arts 63%, science 41%.

  Incentives to encourage the learning progress, Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College

  and Hong Kong Shude Education Group decided to come up with 100 million in funding as an incentive to students.
  Hong Kong Shude Education Group Special Student Award: In addition to honor a voluntary reporting Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College students a variety of incentives, the Board decided: the fraction of enrolled undergraduate college students, regardless of line or more batches of volunteers (including makeup on September 20 were included) were given short-term study tour to Hong Kong awards.

  Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College awards: In addition to honor the original commitment, the college will also batch regardless of volunteering (including makeup on September 20 were included) for 360 points of Arts, Science 350 points or more, were given a one-time bonus of 1,000 yuan; 410 points on the liberal arts, science caught more than 400 points to give a one-time bonus of 2,000 yuan.

  Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College Awards and Hong Kong Shude Education Group Special awards can enjoy.