Big news: Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College 2011 class 2011-11-14
Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College held a grand ceremony 2011-11-12
Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College held a grand opening c2010-09-25
Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College celebrate for new stud2010-09-01
Hong Kong Youth Study Tour to visit Sichuan Changjiang Vocat2010-08-24
Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College, Polygon and other com2010-07-23
Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College the latest sign a 2010-07-20
Hong Kong "The feelings of Sichuan" study tours to visit Sic2010-07-16
Shude Group successfully participated in the 8th Hong Kong I2010-07-14
Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College Enrollment in full swi2010-06-04